The Evolution of Cosmetic Surgery

“The best plastic surgery is not one that calls attention to itself. It is the one that no one knows you had.” says Doctor Janet Turkle of Turkle and Associates. 

Dr. Janet Turkle made Indianapolis her home after completing her medical residency at Indiana University. Also, apart of the practice is plastic surgeon, Dr. Stanley Harper. Together, they make up Turkle and Associates. Their team is dedicated to offering even more ways to keep you out of a surgery room and with less down time.

Non-surgical procedures can be a great alternative to surgeries that could take weeks to recover. Many of these non-invasive surgeries are taking years off of patient’s faces and only taking minutes in the doctor’s chair.

Something that may have once required a facelift and weeks off work, now may be an in and out of office procedure. Dr. Tarkle is using injections to target a double chin, killing fat cells and sending you back to your life, looking fresh and energized.

“Patients today are realizing that investing in their health and wellness is important. Attention to the face and body early on can slow down the aging process and delay or avoid the need for surgery later,” explains Dr. Tarkle.

Instead of a tummy tuck, you may be offered cool-scultping techniques freezing fat cells and can hold off you needing a surgical procedure. Non-invasive surgeries are starting earlier to prevent more major surgeries. It’s all part of the amazing evolution of cosmetic surgery and Dr. Turkle’s office is staying ahead of the ever-changing field.

These treatments aren’t just for women. Plastic surgery and non-surgical solutions are rapidly increasing among men. Among the most popular are BOTOX (aka Bro-Tox), fillers, skin resurfacing, and body contouring such as CoolSculpting, hair replacement and eyelid lifts. Men take advantage of these services to remain competitive in the workforce and to look as good as they feel. “We can find a solution for almost every problem and customize it to individual patients,” Dr. Tarkle adds.

Aging skin is due to sun damage incurred over the years combined with the effects of gravity. In some cases the appearance of sagging skin, fine lines and wrinkles can be slowed down and improved with non-surgical treatments and medical grade products that really work. In other situations, surgery is the best solution to achieve the look you want. A consultation is critical to helping you understand what procedures and treatments are best for you.

Reported by Amanda Evans-Clark

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